Auction Catalog

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2023 Fund-A-Need Campaign

2023 Fund-A-Need


Each year we ask our school's staff and administration what is essential in order to keep our school a magical place for our children. 

When you donate to the 2023 Fund-A-Need, your tax-deductible donation will go directly to supporting the below projects that the Administration, Teachers, and Staff of Novato Charter School have identified. Your generous support is what makes these essential projects possible.  We truly couldn't do it without you!

  • $4,000 per class for classroom library  | $4,000 x 10 = $40,000

  • Supplemental support for field trips | ~ $25,000

  • Play Area Improvements (Gaga ball & play structures) | ~ $15,000

  • Westside and North 40 beautification; | ~$15,000

  • Painting new lazuring inside classrooms | ~ $10,000

2023 Fund-A-Need


Each year we ask our school's staff and administration what is essential in order to keep our school a magical place for our children. 

When you donate to the 2023 Fund-A-Need, your tax-deductible donation will go directly to supporting the below projects that the Administration, Teachers, and Staff of Novato Charter School have identified. Your generous support is what makes these essential projects possible.  We truly couldn't do it without you!

  • $4,000 per class for classroom library  | $4,000 x 10 = $40,000

  • Supplemental support for field trips | ~ $25,000

  • Play Area Improvements (Gaga ball & play structures) | ~ $15,000

  • Westside and North 40 beautification; | ~$15,000

  • Painting new lazuring inside classrooms | ~ $10,000

2023 Fund-A-Need


Each year we ask our school's staff and administration what is essential in order to keep our school a magical place for our children. 

When you donate to the 2023 Fund-A-Need, your tax-deductible donation will go directly to supporting the below projects that the Administration, Teachers, and Staff of Novato Charter School have identified. Your generous support is what makes these essential projects possible.  We truly couldn't do it without you!

  • $4,000 per class for classroom library  | $4,000 x 10 = $40,000

  • Supplemental support for field trips | ~ $25,000

  • Play Area Improvements (Gaga ball & play structures) | ~ $15,000

  • Westside and North 40 beautification; | ~$15,000

  • Painting new lazuring inside classrooms | ~ $10,000


Gold Sponsorship

Silver Sponsorship

Bronze Sponsorship

Community Sponsorship
